Kitchen assembly

Complete assembly of the kitchen incl. installation devices and preparing the necessary electrical, water and gas lining before assembly? You’re in the right place!

We will be happy to advise you at the beginning of successful projects so that everything goes smoothly, to save time and money. Our team has knowledge about technological processes, the ability to find good kitchen assembly for you, certificate for instalation of all kitchen devices.

Do you have a request but don’t know how to specify it?

Contact us!
+420 777 787 167

Martin hlava

Martin Štěrba

Project technical quidance, electrical installation
+420 608 433 089

Max hlava

Maxim Didunyk

Communications, project management
+420 777 787 167

Stavomág s.r.o.
Italská 19, 12000 Praha 2
IČO: 09900101
DIČ: CZ09900101

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